Thursday, March 12, 2009


I've been busy! But have caught up on my reading. For tuesdays entry, there are no post questions. Therefore, I am posting the small prayer. 

Reflect On:  Genesis 1:26-28

Praise God:  For his power in creating the heavens and the earth out of absolutely nothing.

Offer Thanks:  That God has not only created you, but made you in his own image.

Confess:  Any tendency to forget that every human life, including your own, is sacred.

Ask God:  To renew your sense of wonder and gratitude for the things he has made.  

*Praying the Names of God. pg 19. Ann Spangler.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monday 3/9/09

Today I bought a book Praying the Names of God: a Daily Guide by Ann Spangler. I have been looking for a "read in one year" ((that lets you begin any day, any month)) (but all of them start with January 1st) Bible/journal, where I could read and then write what it asks or what I think. However, I can not find such a book. Then today I found this book. It is not the Bible/journal I was hoping for, but I think it will be very helpful. I have always believed in God, though sometimes I question his actions. I used to go to church when I was younger, my mother made me go. I ended up hating it. I hated sitting through the long sermons and listening to the pastor talk about things I didn't understand and speak of names and places that were unfamiliar to me. I didn't understand anything. The only thing I ever comprehended were the stories of Adam and Eve and Noah's Ark. So, each day after my reading I will use this blog as my daily journal. After each reading in my book, it asks questions. So this is where I will answer them and give my thoughts on each reading.

Monday 3/9/09

1. "Genesis" is a word that can mean "birth", "history of orgin," or "genealogy." What can you observe about who God is from this passage about beginnings?
      God is the creator of everything. Animals, mankind, the environment. God (Elohim) created the earth, water and land. What I don't understand is how. I know that "It's God, he can do anything." But, how can someone just snap there fingers. And how can there be light, and he just decide "oh by the way, I'm calling this bright illumination "light" or this big blue thing "sky." There are somethings that I don't understand; and telling me "because he is God, he can do anything" does not help at all. There has to be an explanation! Maybe once I continue reading, I will find it. 

2. What can you observe about the world he has made?

   He has created a beautiful world. Full of such life and energy. I love to look up at that baby blue sky, and know that God created this earth. It is nice to see the smiling face of a child, a beautiful flower, or an amazing sunset and think.. "this is God."

3. What do you think it means to be created in "the image of God?" How would your life change if you lived with the constant awareness that he created you to bear his image?

     I have to answer the second question first. Until now, I never thought about that question. I never put two and two together about God sacrificing his life so our sins would be forgiven.  I never thought about bearing his image. I always wondered why we were here, what our purpose of existence was. If I lived with that constant awareness, I would be self conscious about every little move I made. I don't want to be one of those people who live in constant fear of committing a sin with every breath I take. However, to bear his image, I would love to learn more about him. I would love to share his life with those around me. 
    To be created in "the image of God," it could mean a number of things. You could take it literally and say that God created you through a vision.  It could mean that he created you for a specific purpose in life. I believe that God created me, to show others how to love, how to have and show compassion and to learn from one another how to take care of others. I believe that he created me so that I could learn from my mistakes, learn through others and in return they could also learn from me. 

4. God seems delighted about what he has made, proclaiming it good and even very good. How does God's assessment of creation shape your own attitude toward the world? Toward yourself?

  I never really cared about the world. When I say world, I mean the environment. I always humored the "tree huggers" for being so adamant about recycling and not killing animals for game. While thinking about this question and reading this passage, I have come to realize that God created this world and he made it beautiful. I never worried about littering, but today instead of throwing my trash out the window of my car, I put it in a dumpster. This world is a beautiful place. God intended it to be and littering and not giving a damn about it is disrespectful.